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Python Operators

Membership operators

Membership operators are used to test whether a sequence is present in an object. There are two types of membership operators in Python: in: This operator returns True if it finds a specified value in a given sequence and False otherwise. It’s used to check if a character, substring, or element exists in a sequence.
Membership operator (in) example in python x = 'Hello, World!' print('Hello' in x)


In this example, 'Hello' in x returns True because the string 'Hello' is found in the string x. not in: This operator returns True if it does not find a specified value in a given sequence and False otherwise.
Membership operator (not in) example in python x = 'Hello, World!' print('Goodbye' not in x)


In this example, 'Goodbye' not in x returns True because the string 'Goodbye' is not found in the string x. These operators can be used with any sequence, such as strings, lists, or tuples.


★python ★operators ★Membership
